Mgr Denin GRONDIN est le nouvel Archevêque de Rimouski/is the New Archbishop...
Aujourd’hui, Sa Sainteté le pape François a nommé S.E. Mgr Denis Grondin, présentement Évêque Auxiliaire de Québec, Archevêque de l’archidiocèse de Rimouski.Félicitations, Excellence!Today in Rome, it...
View ArticleWhat do Charlton MA, Fargo ND Haddon Hts NJ, Huntley IL & Saginaw MI have in...
Answer: With Houston, Oklahoma City and Syracuse (and 11 dioceses in Canada), they are satellite host sites for the NEW EVANGELIZATION SUMMIT taking place on Friday evening, April 24 and Saturday,...
View ArticleFrom St John's to Vancouver, 11 sites will simulcast Ottawa's NEW...
NEW EVANGELIZATION SUMMIT is a conference to inspire Catholics and help them live out their personal call to evangelize. Featuring world-class Catholic speakers such as Dr. Scott Hahn, Fr. Michael...
View ArticleEight Sites in USA (Camden, Houston, Oklahoma City, Syracuse…) to host New...
NEW EVANGELIZATION SUMMIT is a conference to inspire Catholics and help them live out their personal call to evangelize. Featuring world-class Catholic speakers such as Dr. Scott Hahn, Fr. Michael...
View ArticleFather Béla Somfai, Jesuit Moralist
Father Béla Somfai, S.J. died on April 6, 2015 at the Jesuit Infirmary, René Goupil House, in Pickering, Ontario. He was in his 83rdyear of life and had lived nearly 63 years as a Jesuit. Béla Somfai...
View ArticleHomily & Photos of St Patrick's Day
St. Patrick’s Day Liturgy—St. Patrick’s Basilica—Ottawa, Ontario—Tuesday, March 17, 2015 ST. PATRICK, EVANGELIST OF IRELAND: OUR MODEL[Texts: Isaiah 61.1–3 (Psalm 98.1–3, 7–8a, 10); 1 Peter...
View ArticleR.I.P. Father Francis McEvoy, 84
Fr. Francis McEVOY died on Friday, February 20, 2015 in Ottawa.Born on January 1, 1931 in Osgoode Ontario, he was ordained to the priesthood on September 24, 1966 at St. John the Evangelist Parish in...
View ArticlePope arrives in Kenya – Perspectives Daily
Today on Perspectives Pope Francis arrives in Kenya and Archbishop Prendergast of Ottawa issued a Pastoral letter for the Jubilee of Mercy Read more ... The post Pope arrives in Kenya – Perspectives...
View ArticleEvêque de Whitehorse – New Bishop of Whitehorse, Yukon
Today, His Holiness Pope Francis appointed Reverend Héctor Vila, currently Rector of Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Toronto as Bishop of the Diocese of Whitehorse (Yukon).Congratulations, Your...
View ArticleConference on the Family at Dominican University College
Last weekend, Ottawa’s Dominican University College held a Conference to follow up on the Synod of Bishops 2015 on the challenges facing families in our time. Entitled “The Synod and My Family”, the...
View ArticleFather Donald Beaudois was Jesuit Educator, Pastor and Preacher
Father Donald Francis Beaudois, S.J. died on December 8, 2015 at René Goupil House, the Jesuit Infirmary in Pickering, ON. He was in his 90th year and in religious life for 70 years.Donald Beaudois was...
View ArticleImmaculate Conception Solemnity, the Opening of the Year of Mercy, and the...
Ouverture de l’Année de la Miséricorde à la Basilique-cathédrale Notre-Dame d’Ottawa accompagnée de la remise de décorations papales en la solennité de l’Immaculée Conception, le 8 décembre 2015MARIE,...
View ArticleGaudete Sunday & Opening Door of Mercy, 3rd Sunday Advent (Yr “C”)— December...
Basilique-cathédrale Notre-Dame – Ottawa, Ontario Dimanche de la Joie et Ouverture de la Porte de la MiséricordeTroisième dimanche de l’Avent (Année ‘C’) – le 13 décembre 2015‘’Réjouis-toi et exalte ta...
View ArticleFather Adam Tabak, Ottawa's Croatian Parish Priest Passes Away
Father Adam Tabak, 54, Pastor of St. Leopold Mandic Croatian Parish in Ottawa died in Zagreb’s Fran Mihajevic Hospital on Monday, December 14, 2015 after a brief illness.Born on August 19, 1961, in...
View ArticleMesse pour le personnel, 17-12-15 LA MISÉRICORDE DE DIEU SE MANIFESTE
Diocesan Centre Mass for Staff – December 17, 2015GOD’S MERCY APPEARS IN SALVATION HISTORY[Texts: Genesis 49.1-2, 8-10 [Psalm 72 (71)]; Matthew 1.1-17] Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,...
View ArticleThe Diaconal Ordination of Ottawa's Tavis Reginald Goski
The Diaconal Ordination of Tavis Reginald Goski—Holy Redeemer Church, Kanata, ON Fourth Sunday of Advent (Year “C”)-December 20, 2015 THE FAMILY: HOME OF LOVE AND...
View ArticleCluade Hamelin is new Auxiliary Bishop of Saint-Jean-Longueuil
Sa Sainteté le pape François a nommé l’Abbé Claude Hamelin comme évêque auxiliaire du diocèse de Saint-Jean-Longueuil (Québec).Il est présentement Vicaire général du même diocèse.Félicitations,...
View ArticleFr Antoine Nassif Today Named Syro-Catholic Exarch for Canada
Aujourd’hui à Rome, il a été annoncé que Sa Sainteté le pape François a érigé l’Exarchat Apostolique pour les fidèles syro-catholiques au Canada. Le Saint Père a nommé le Révérend Antoine Nassif son...
View ArticleJesuit Father Laurier Harvey Served in India, Nepal and with the Missionaries...
Father Laurier Crosbie Harvey, S.J. died peacefully on January 13, 2016 at Ajax-Pickering Hospital. He was in his 91st year of life and had been a Jesuit for 60 years. The son of St. George Harvey and...
View ArticleInauguration du ministère de Rémi Lepage, omi comme curé de la Paroisse...
2e dimanche du temps ordinaire (année « C ») — 17 janvier 2016UN MARIAGE BÉNI PAR LA PRÉSENCE DE JÉSUS(Textes : Isaïe 62, 1-5; Psaume 96; 1 Corinthiens 12, 4-11; Jean 2, 1-12)Je me réjouis d’être avec...
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