Homily at the Funeral of Jean-André Potworowski [1947-2015]
Notre Dame Cathedral Basilica, Ottawa, ON—October 17, 2015 [Texts: Wisdom 3.1-9 (Psalm 42); 1 Corinthians 15.51-57; John 14.1-6] Dear brothers and sisters in Christ: [Expressions de bienvenue,...
View ArticleNET Canada—Les Équipes NET—Missioning Mass—Notre Dame Cathedral Basilica, Ottawa
Anticipated 27thSunday of Ordinary Time (Year “B”)Saturday, October 3, 2015PREPARING CHASTELY FOR MARRIAGE[Genesis 2.7ab, 8b, 18–24 [Psalm 128]; Hebrews 2.9–11; Mark 10.2–16] Let’s talk about sex....
Allocution de l’Archevêque au 8ième Souper-bénéfice de l’ArchevêqueArchidiocèse d’Ottawa—Ottawa Convention & Event CentreLe mercredi, 21 octobre 2015Excellences,Révérends Pères,Chères Sœurs,Chers...
View ArticleArchbishop’s 8th Charity Dinner: LIVING GOD'S MERCY & OURS:
Archbishop’s Remarks, Ottawa Conference & Event CentreWednesday, October 21, 2015Your Excellencies,Reverend Fathers, Dear Sisters, Dear Friends of the Archdiocese of Ottawa My dear friends of those...
View ArticleJesuit Brother Leo Brady & Jesuit Father John E O'Brien Pass Away
Brother M. Leo Brady, S.J. passed away at the Rouge Valley Hospital, November 6, 2015 in his 97th year of life and 68th of religious life.Leo followed his older brother, Brother Daniel Brady, S.J.,...
View ArticleBishop Marcel Damphousse Named to the Sault Sainte-Marie Diocese
Today, His Holiness Pope Francis appointed The Most Reverend Marcel Damphousse as Bishop of the diocese of Sault Ste-Marie. He is currently Bishop of the neighouring diocese to Ottawa, that of...
View ArticleQueenship of Mary Feast Day Celebration, August 22, 2015 – Photos by Jennifer...
So many photos of this beautiful celebration. Thank you Jennifer for sending these to me . Read more ... The post Queenship of Mary Feast Day Celebration, August 22, 2015 – Photos by Jennifer Snell...
View ArticleNew Evangelizatiohn Summit 2015 – Photos by Pat and Maureen
For News Coverage check the links below From the BC CatholicNew Evangelization Summit reaches 3,000 Deborah Gyapong – April 29,...
View ArticleDeath of Oblate Bishop Peter Sutton and Funeral Details
Many, particularly among the First Nations communties, mourn the passing of Archbishop Peter Sutton, O.M.I., who passed away at the Oblate infirmary at Richelieu (QC) on Sunday, September 5, a month...
View ArticleMgr Raymond Poisson Évêque de Joliette – New Joliette Bishop
Aujourd’hui, Sa Sainteté le pape François a nommé S. E. Mgr. Raymond Poisson, présentement Évêque auxiliaire à Saint-Jérôme comme évêque de Joliette (Québec).Né à Saint-Jean-Baptiste de Rouville, le 30...
View ArticleBrother Alvin Voisin Served the Jesuit Mission in Humble Tasks
Jesuit Brother Alvin VOISIN died peacefully on July 19, 2015 at the Jesuit Infirmary in Pickering, ON; he was in his 99th year of life and had been a Jesuit brother for 74 years.Alvin Voisin was born...
View ArticleInstallation of Fr Peter Tuan Bui, CSsR as Pastor Our Lady of LaVang Parish,...
THE PASTOR’S SPIRIT AND PAUL’S THORN IN THE FLESH[Ezekiel 2.2-5; [Psalm 123]; 2 Corinthians 12.7-10; Mark 6.1-6]Dear brothers and sisters in Christ:In a few moments I will formally install Father Peter...
View ArticleFestival de la Parole, Édition 2015
Paroisse Saint Joseph, Orléans, ONQuatorzième dimanche du temps ordinaire (Année « B ») samedi 4 juillet 2015L’écharde dans la chair de Paul[Ézékiel 2, 2-5;(Psaume 122(123); 2 Corinthiens 12, 7-10;...
View ArticleJesuit Father Michael Stogre was medical doctor and theologian
FATHER MICHAEL JOSEPH STOGRE, S.J. died unexpectedly on June 24, 2015, at the Jesuit residence in Vancouver, British Columbia. He was in his 71st year of life, four days short of his birthday, he had...
Chers frères et sœurs dans le Christ, my dear brothers and sisters in Christ: Welcome all of you who have come to celebrate the Eucharist here in the Cathedral Basilica of Notre Dame, as we celebrate...
View ArticleAu Canada: Ordinations de la Fraternité sacerdotale Saint-Pierre
Ordination sacerdotale de Jacques Breton & Alexandre Marchand, FSSPChapelle du Grand séminaire de Saint-HyacintheLe 13 juin 2015 – Fête de saint Antoine de Padoue[Textes : 2 Tim 4, 1-8; Ps 36, 30,...
View ArticleFather Gerard Van Walleghem SJ: From Winnipeg to Darjeeling
Jesuit Father Gerard Adhelson Van Walleghem died on 1 June 2015 in Darjeeling, India, at the age of 88. He had been a Jesuit for 71 years.“Fr Van,” as he was known, was born in Winnipeg on 7 March 1927...
View ArticleJesuit Ordinations 2015 in Toronto
The Jesuit Priestly Ordination of Gregory Kennedyand the Jesuit Diaconal Ordinations ofMatthew Charlesworth, Jean-Robert Déry,Paul Robson and Emmanuel Saint-Hilaire The Church of Our Lady of Lourdes,...
View ArticleJesuit Fr. Doyle Served in Zambia
Father John Stephen (Jack) Doyle died early on May 25, 2015 at René Goupil House, Pickering. He was in his 84th year and in his 60th year of religious life.Jack Doyle was born at Brewer’s Mills,...
View ArticleOrdination diaconale de Michael Hartney—le samedi 16 mai 2015
Ascension du Seigneur (Année « B »)—Église Saint-Joseph, Orléans LE SEIGNEUR TRAVAILLAIT AVEC EUX [Textes: Actes 1, 1-11; [Psaume 46...
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